New Territory has been accepted to World Tapestry Now!

New Territory by Kristin Sæterdal 2015
New Territory by Kristin Sæterdal 2015

New Territory has been accepted into World Tapestry Now American Tapestry Biennale 12. From 148 artists who submitted 301 tapestries, the juror, Wlodzimierz Cygan, selected 43 tapestries for the show. I am very happy to be selected for this, and it is my 4th time to be in a  ATA biennale. (the 6th, the 8th, the 10th and now the 12th!) The show will print a full catalog, and the launch is taking place at a Convergence in Reno this July on Monday, July 9th. Can not wait! Read more about it here.