KristinSæterdal03About Kristin:

Kristin Tinsa Sæterdal (1963) lives and works in Oslo. She often works in large-scale tapestry, but also with drawing, objects, text, and digital weaving. Her works frequently revolve around popular culture, technology, and science fiction.

Sæterdal is educated at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) and holds a 2-year tapestry education from OsloMet (formerly HiOA). She has held numerous solo exhibitions in Norway, for example at Format Oslo, Østfold Art Center, Kunstbanken, and BO Visual Artists in Oslo. Sæterdal has participated in juried group exhibitions both domestically and internationally. Her works have been collected by, among others, the National Museum, the Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, the City of Oslo, and the Banc of Norway. She has completed several art commissions in public buildings. Sæterdal has curated 20 public space projects and conducts courses in tapestry techniques at Norsk

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