The Blue Control Room to Jørstadmoen Military Camp

The Blue Control Room Jørstadmoen1
The Blue Control Room – Jørstadmoen

[fbshare type=”button”]The Blue Control Room has finally got a permanent home!

Art Consultant Trond Hugo Haugen has on behalf of KORO purchased it for Jørstadmoen Military Camp. I think it looks just like it was made for the place! The Photos are all shot by Trond Hugo Haugen. I made The Blue Control Room in 2012, and it has been exhibited at three major shows. The first one was at the  2012 Annual Exhibition of Art&Craft, shown at the National Museum of Decorative art & Design in Oslo. In 2013 it was selected for the Spring Exhibition at Charlottenburg in Denmark. This is one of the most important open submission exhibitions in Europe, and has been held annually in Copenhagen since 1857. From the selected artists 34 come from Denmark, 17 from the rest of the Nordic region, 9 from other European countries, and 14 from other countries around the world. Then it was selected as one of the 95 accepted by the jury, out of 2300 applicants for the Høstutstillingen in Oslo.

After all this I was happy to have it permanently placed on a wall, and I hope that the cyber detectives will enjoy it!